Sarah Perry Fine Art
Title: Soulful
A pastel portrait drawn of my own whippet, Ned, drawn on Pastelmat. His soulful eyes are one of his loveliest features and he knows how to use them to his full advantage!
Framed in a soft metallic frame to complement the drawing behind glass.
Limited edition prints on canvas are available with a maximum run of 30. They are available in two sizes, A4 x 20 prints and A3 x 10 prints. A6 size greetings cards are also available.
Title: Soulful
A pastel portrait drawn of my own whippet, Ned, drawn on Pastelmat. His soulful eyes are one of his loveliest features and he knows how to use them to his full advantage!
Framed in a soft metallic frame to complement the drawing behind glass.
Limited edition prints on canvas are available with a maximum run of 30. They are available in two sizes, A4 x 20 prints and A3 x 10 prints. A6 size greetings cards are also available.