John Williamson
Title: Corus Steel Redcar
When my daughter lived in Redcar I used to visit most weekends.I was always drawn to the South Gare and driving along the lane there, as you passed the heat from this furnace reached out across the road. This painting marks the end of an era, and is based on sketches I made on the last time that I saw it working. After months of trying to coax what we used to call ‘third world countries’ to take over the running of it Labour (to their eternal shame) finally completed what Thatcher set out to do years before.
Title: Corus Steel Redcar
When my daughter lived in Redcar I used to visit most weekends.I was always drawn to the South Gare and driving along the lane there, as you passed the heat from this furnace reached out across the road. This painting marks the end of an era, and is based on sketches I made on the last time that I saw it working. After months of trying to coax what we used to call ‘third world countries’ to take over the running of it Labour (to their eternal shame) finally completed what Thatcher set out to do years before.