Linda Hollingshead
Title: Weather & Weathering Touching My Soul
On visiting the Yorkshire Dales you may well have experienced a sudden change in the weather?
In this painting I chose to portray such a dramatic moment as walking along Attermire Scar a lemony gold light filled the calm morning air when suddenly the sky went dark and almost crackled with the oncoming shower.
A place where life giving elements are weathering the living rock of limestone over millennium.
The raw energy here truly makes you feel alive!
Original painting on wood panel. Copyright of the artist.
Title: Weather & Weathering Touching My Soul
On visiting the Yorkshire Dales you may well have experienced a sudden change in the weather?
In this painting I chose to portray such a dramatic moment as walking along Attermire Scar a lemony gold light filled the calm morning air when suddenly the sky went dark and almost crackled with the oncoming shower.
A place where life giving elements are weathering the living rock of limestone over millennium.
The raw energy here truly makes you feel alive!
Original painting on wood panel. Copyright of the artist.