Andrea Mosey Art
Title: This much I know
When I’m standing at a shoreline, it’s like the rest of the world disappears for a short while. Just gazing out to the horizons with the wind in my hair and the salt spray on my face (and occasionally a bit of sunshine), I could be the only person in the world. This much I know.
A gorgeous little seascape painting which would be sure to bring a little bit of peace and serenity to your home
Title: This much I know
When I’m standing at a shoreline, it’s like the rest of the world disappears for a short while. Just gazing out to the horizons with the wind in my hair and the salt spray on my face (and occasionally a bit of sunshine), I could be the only person in the world. This much I know.
A gorgeous little seascape painting which would be sure to bring a little bit of peace and serenity to your home