Dex Hannon
Title: Fury in the eyes of those left behind
Life changes fast, too fast for some. technology brings people together but it also causes inequality. It separates . and alienates. Leaves some behind. The world needs to change from a world of fossil fuels to a world of cleaner power. But in this there is tension. Can everyone afford the new world of cleaner power? Will it only be travel and power for those that can afford it? Each part causes division and the division doesn’t give up simple answers to solve it.
This was painted listening to Philip Glass, Mishima
Title: Fury in the eyes of those left behind
Life changes fast, too fast for some. technology brings people together but it also causes inequality. It separates . and alienates. Leaves some behind. The world needs to change from a world of fossil fuels to a world of cleaner power. But in this there is tension. Can everyone afford the new world of cleaner power? Will it only be travel and power for those that can afford it? Each part causes division and the division doesn’t give up simple answers to solve it.
This was painted listening to Philip Glass, Mishima