Lisa Livingston
Title: Flower Man
This is a digital piece of artwork. The purchase price is for a high resolution digital file which will be sent to you on receipt of payment. This file is then available for you to print yourself, using a printing method of your choosing.
To make a purchase of this artwork, please click on the link button provided above ‘Contact Artist’ where I will take care of your sale, directly, on an artist to customer basis. Your purchase will be made off the platform and isn’t involved in the sale of this artwork.
Title: Flower Man
This is a digital piece of artwork. The purchase price is for a high resolution digital file which will be sent to you on receipt of payment. This file is then available for you to print yourself, using a printing method of your choosing.
To make a purchase of this artwork, please click on the link button provided above ‘Contact Artist’ where I will take care of your sale, directly, on an artist to customer basis. Your purchase will be made off the platform and isn’t involved in the sale of this artwork.