Sue Harrison
Title: Across The Loch (of Butterstone)
A stunning view looking through the trees, across Butterstone Loch (Perthshire, Scotland), towards the hills beyond. Rich golds, greens and mauves with textured foreground, pulls the eye in and around this original painting.
Acrylic on deep edged canvas, the painting continues round all four sides, is strung and ready to hang.
If the customer chooses to frame it, a simple tray frame would work well.
Strung, ready to hang.
This painting is currently on show at the Crossley Gallery, Dean Clough, Halifax – 150th Anniversary Exhibition of Leeds Fine Artists. Open daily 10 – 4.
Title: Across The Loch (of Butterstone)
A stunning view looking through the trees, across Butterstone Loch (Perthshire, Scotland), towards the hills beyond. Rich golds, greens and mauves with textured foreground, pulls the eye in and around this original painting.
Acrylic on deep edged canvas, the painting continues round all four sides, is strung and ready to hang.
If the customer chooses to frame it, a simple tray frame would work well.
Strung, ready to hang.
This painting is currently on show at the Crossley Gallery, Dean Clough, Halifax – 150th Anniversary Exhibition of Leeds Fine Artists. Open daily 10 – 4.