John Williamson
Title: Abandoned boats on Mull
My nephew Ben described how atmospheric this group of abandoned fishing boats were as they slowly decayed on the shores of mull. After visiting them myself I found it impossible not to be moved by the sight. The history of the boats, the lives of the men who worked them and the struggles of their families coupled with the dangers they faced on a daily basis all condensed into piles of rotting wood abandoned on an isolated shore. Every bit as epic as Scott’s ‘Discovery” and Shackleton’s ‘Endurance’ but on a domestic scale.
Title: Abandoned boats on Mull
My nephew Ben described how atmospheric this group of abandoned fishing boats were as they slowly decayed on the shores of mull. After visiting them myself I found it impossible not to be moved by the sight. The history of the boats, the lives of the men who worked them and the struggles of their families coupled with the dangers they faced on a daily basis all condensed into piles of rotting wood abandoned on an isolated shore. Every bit as epic as Scott’s ‘Discovery” and Shackleton’s ‘Endurance’ but on a domestic scale.